News : An impressive record for our "Sustainable Build" training courses!
This spring, our trainers Frédéric, Laurent and Liesbet finished what has been a trajectory of 3 years of designing, managing and teaching of training courses for professionals in the field of Sustainable Building, on behalf of Brussels Environment . From early 2014 until May 2017, they have had the pleasure and honour of working intensively on this assignment, together with our partners MATRIciel, Institut Eco-Conseil, Cenergie ans ICEDD.
The three of them have given technical lectures, organized workshops and designed exercises in their specific fields of expertise. Among the subjects managed by them were Green roofs, External Joinery, Reuse of building materials, Environmental impact of materials and buildings, Indoor pollutants, Management and reuse of rainwater and Building site management.
In total, 855 professionals – women and men, architects, contractors, engineers and owner-builders – have participated in the classes given by our teachers, and their assessment of our aptitude at teaching has provided us with extremely positive and valuable feedback:
- regarding « knowledge of the subject », an average weighted score of over 88% has been given, with specific scores regularly exceeding 90%;
- as for « pedagogy », we truly cherish the average score of 85%, and some special prizes could be awarded for classes granted a score of over 95%.
Combining technical expertise, practical examples, short exercises as well as interactive workshops, and continually updating and remodeling their ressources and knowledge, Frédéric, Laurent and Liesbet have more than proven that they excel at teaching… and as it happens, they love doing the job ! They wish to thank all participants for their participation in and engagement with the different training courses – a significant number of people have enrolled in more than one course, following high satisfaction provided by their first experience with our teachers.
Let there be no doubt about it: we will continue teaching and designing courses. We love it, we enjoy it, and we may say without being pretentious that we’re great at it. For now, we’re thinking about an offer of tailored-to-measure training courses, so stay tuned: we will tell you all about it in due time !

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